Learn more about Dr. Tracey
Dr. Kristen Tracey has been a practicing physical therapist for over ten years, with experience in orthopedic, neurological and pelvic floor physical therapy.
Dr. Tracey graduated with a BA in biology following up with a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from Dominican College of Blauvelt. She has experience in private practice, hospital and home care settings where she has taken a one on one approach to care with an emphasis on manual intervention and evidence based treatment plans for each patient.
Dr. Tracey’s continuing education includes Herman and Wallace courses with an emphasis on research based pelvic floor physical therapy and the Maitland approach to manual therapy. In addition, she is certified in the LSVT approach to Parkinson’s treatment. Her course background has allowed her to take a unique approach to patient care with a focus on skilled manual intervention, patient specific exercises and behavioral modifications for each client.
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